FAQs About Laundry Pickup and Delivery Service

Frequently Asked Questions

About Our Services

Is laundry service right for me?

Absolutely! We believe laundry service is a perfect fit for anyone. It's a real game-changer, especially when time and energy are short.

Why does laundry service seem pricey?

While it might seem pricey at first glance, using a laundry service saves you time and energy, and when you consider the costs of doing it yourself, the real value shines through. It's an investment in freeing up your schedule.

Do you provide commercial laundry services to local businesses?

We've got you covered! We offer our services to various businesses, including those in hospitality, medical, and personal services, specializing in towels.

What are Laundry Subscriptions?

Our subscriptions offer the best bang for your buck, with the lowest per-pound prices, no delivery fees, and free next-day delivery. Just a heads up, subscriptions don't roll over each month.

What is Per Bag Wash & Fold?

Our Per Bag Wash & Fold service is a flat $75 for everything you can fit into an LaundryUp XL Bag. Don't have one? Two 13-gallon kitchen trash bags will do the trick, and we'll count them as one XL Bag for $75. Just make sure they're closed tight!

What is the dry cleaning schedule?

Besides major holidays, the dry cleaning plant cleans every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. 

How do I use points for credits?

Easy! Log into your account, hit the hamburger menu in the top left corner > click Rewards > click Rewards (on the right) > then click "Convert Points." Your credit will then appear on the middle "Credits" tab.

About Pickup & Delivery

What do I do for my first pickup?

Just grab a 13-gallon kitchen trash bag, fill it up, and tie it tight to keep everything inside. Leave it outside your front door on pickup day. Remember, no open hampers or baskets, please—we don't want to lose any of your items.

Do I need to be at home for pickup and delivery?

Nope! Our service is designed to work seamlessly without you needing to be there. It's contact-free.

Can I order laundry service for someone else?

Yes, indeed! A common scenario is adult children arranging pickups for their elderly parents. We're here to make payment and notification setups easy for any situation.

Do you offer services to hotel guests?

Yes, we do! Hotel guests within our service area can enjoy our pickup and delivery services. Just leave your laundry with the front desk or valet. Note: A small hotel delivery fee might apply.

How do I use the LaundryUp lockers?

Our lockers are set up in various apartment complexes throughout Orange County, available exclusively to residents. 

Can't find the answer to your question?

We'd love to answer it for you personally.
Call us Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM to 5:00PM at 714-533-7835.

Or SMS text us anytime at 714-844-8902.

Ready to Save time on laundry?

Complete Step-by-Step Checklist for a Perfect Pickup

With our easy-to-follow checklist and a Coupon Code for your first order, you'll save money and simplify your laundry routine. You'll be guided through creating your account, scheduling a pickup, and preparing your laundry, ensuring your first pickup is perfect!

  • Unlock Your Exclusive Reward: Find out how to use your generous Coupon Code on your first order to save big!
  • Explore Our Comprehensive Services: Learn about the 4 essential services we offer to meet all your laundry and dry cleaning needs.
  • Know Your Laundry Dos and Don'ts: Discover which items we specialize in cleaning and what we're unable to accept.
Where should we send the FREE Perfect Pickup Checklist?

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